



偽左翼西人Vincent Kolo把某些香港人比喻中國人為蝗蟲是希特拉對待猶太人的謬論,下方有中文
Pseudo leftist Vincent Kolo’s metaphor (i.e. Hong Kongers refer to Chinese as “locust” is the same as what Hitler did to the Jews) is ridiculous. He said that the people of Hong Kong should not be angry at the people from China, but their rage should target at the government. On the surface, this makes total sense, but if one look into the situation, one will surely find this outrageously wrong. If one has to use the "Hitler-Jews" metaphor, it would be more appropriate to put an equation mark between Hong Kongers and the Jews.

All the important matters in Hong Kong, including the government, the legal system, education and population policies, etc are essentially completely controlled by the government of China. The influx of Chinese people into Hong Kong on a daily basis is in fact executing what the Chinese regime always wants to achieve: erasing the language and culture of Hong Kong, distort the economy of Hong Kong and ultimately destroy the local values. These people together with the government created an extremely expensive living standard that the Hong Kongers cannot afford. One needs not to think but immediately know who suffer from all of these. Chinese colonists respect nothing in Hong Kong. All they care about is to suck Hong Kong’s blood dry. Chinese people are as guilty as the government – they are the accomplices of this perfect crime.

Chinese call Hong Kongers “British running dog”, it is not just the uneducated nobodies who don’t know better, but a professor has called Hong Kongers “dog” on a national TV programme in China (you can Google Kong Qingdong)! A large country with a population of 1.4 billion, and the majority of which is utterly brainwashed by the government’s propaganda vs a tiny spot on the map – which people is in clear disadvantage and should be seen as the minority?

Going back to Vincent Kolo’s metaphor, what he is suggesting is: the Jews should quit complaining about Nazis’ evil acts, and stop hating the Nazis, instead should direct their anger at Hitler and Hitler only. In another word, he is encouraging the Jews to embrace the Nazis!

Comment from : https://www.facebook.com/vincent.kolo/posts/660269274016063?stream_ref=10

偽左翼西人Vincent Kolo把某些香港人比喻中國人為蝗蟲是希特拉對待猶太人,說人們不該遷怒於人民而是政府。表面上沒錯,實際是荒天下之大謬。如果硬要以希特拉和猶太人作比喻,香港人才是猶太人!



Vincent Kolo的邏輯根本是叫猶太人收聲不准投訴,也不能去侮辱納粹黨,因為你該去只憎恨希特拉,而不應遷怒於納粹的任何一個軍人!


Kolo先生的留言 : https://www.facebook.com/vincent.kolo/posts/660269274016063?stream_ref=10



  • Dani Lambeth"Socialist action" - Enough said, he is one of them, a commie.
  • Azure MainOnly an uneducated moron or an ignorant prick would compare it with the holocaust. What the Jews had to suffer in all history, not just under the Nazis is nothing but a very bitter story. Israel Strong!
  • Kristee QuinnThat an ignorant statement, the Jews, like the HKers are the vast minority
  • Stephanie Ngpls correct : quit
  • Hong Kong & China NOT the SAME 中港大不同can't correct the image, will do on text here
  • Hong Kong & China NOT the SAME 中港大不同Kristee Quinn > thanks, you are right. Can't imagine who would have give this statement. 1.4 Billion VS 7Millon .. times 200, No big country can take this, and you ask tiny Hong Kong to take all the sh8t and want us shut up. Why don't you just ask Chinese come in to shot every HongKonger dead? it would be a lot faster and easier, since they are slandering us saying we are worthless in the world media anyways.
  • Stephanie Ng會否考慮第2+3段重點 大一些?
  • 虞瑋倩I noticed a bunch of these foreigners are among those leftards....
  • Hong Kong & China NOT the SAME 中港大不同Stephanie Ng > every paragraph are important, can't make everything big. We highlighted the parts that would get people curious to read on and put the text in the caption, should be okay.
  • Marco Khan又係社會主義行動!!!
  • Cardy ChanWhat does his statement tell me? he doesnt understand much about Hitler, Pol Pot or Mao etc. if we were like Nazi treating Jews, what was Mao treating his own people during his regime? how would he interpret the cultural revolution - countless scholars, educated, innocent civilians were executed, murdered, starved, tortured, exiled to death in the name of one person's twisted interpretation of 'anti-class socialism', 'communism'. a few decades on, the negative impacts are still counting to people's mindset (to survive, they had to do whatever it took to keep their lives, be it to turn their family in, kill the classes condemned back then etc and these days, instead of survival, they apply this mentality to their own desires - money and power. they have a lot of wrong values - just look at how they create and manufacture food. Why do the Chinese tourists and smugglers rush to HK to get different kinds of food and medicines etc? Think about it! Hk people just want to resist this mindset and culture from polluting ours! Some westerners or expats that only live in their unreal bubble in HK feel we are against some Chinese but without knowing all the history and Chinese culture and ways of thinking, they fail to see the whole picture. When they can't back up their statements, they often simply leave you 'HK is part of China so what do you expect?' It's easy for them to say cos most of them don't plan to stay and set their roots in HK. They only pass by. I'd suggest these people who try to stay above the locals and local culture in HK to go live in China and then experience chinese mentality for themselves!
  • Pisa ChengSimply retard.
  • Fran ChengIgnorance is not a sin, but speaking for the oppressor out of ignorance is. Taking the locust theory out of the context is like accusing a raped victim for calling her rapist an ass. Well, it is not a nice thing to call anyone an ass, so yes you can throw her stones.
  • Steve Chanwell done brother! there are dumb gweilos who take things at face value, they demonise everyone who call others names without having a slight understanding of the situation. they are just too detached from reality (離地) or just wanna feel good about themselves (自我感覺良好)
  • Nelson Ho條友好似冇讀大學
  • Hong Kong & China NOT the SAME 中港大不同無讀過大學不代表是壞人或者無知,但這樣的發言就代表了無知以及無良但裝作有同情心,只顧自己感覺好而站在暴政的一方踐踏被打壓的少數,還要做出一幅正義之士的模樣,偽君子真小人。
  • Orion Liu KW大家心照, 如果中國人的品行言行令人讚佩, 我們樂意大方承認自己是驕傲的中國人, 但中國在世界上臭名遠播, 我們是正面歧視他們, 不想同流合污吧了...到現在還不明白, 用其他理由不滿我們的不滿, 根本沒有再討論的價值,,
  • Citizen SmithI stand in solidarity with Vincent Kolo. Describing another nationality as locusts is clearly racist propaganda aimed at dividing oppressed people. It can only benefit the oppressors, which in this case, the Chinese and Hong Kong ruling class. Chinese and Hong Kong workers and youth need to unite against their common enemy and reject this racist propaganda.
  • Hong Kong & China NOT the SAME 中港大不同Then how about the racist propaganda the Chinese have been doing to HongKongers since the 60s until now - the Hong Kong dog thing? and now they are controlling everything here as the picture said, can't the local be angry about it? Can you read at all? Thing is, we never say to call someone locust is "Right". we are just pointing out Vincent Kolo's logic is wrong - when Hong Kongers are actually the Jews in his metaphor, then the Jews calling Hitler and Nazi soldiers "monster" is such an evil thing, and that the Jews should try to work with the Nazi soldiers to against Hitler ... see the point?
  • 自由西藏 Free TibetSorry but I can't help laughing at the comment from "Citizen Smith" supporting "solidarity with Vincent Kolo", and that get the first "like" from Vincent Kolo himself. lol ...
  • Dani LambethLiking your own comment is like licking your own balls, do pardon my Mandarin.
  • Dani Lambeth"Yes good goyim, keep believing that all races and cultures are the same, also all those cultural Marxism stuff I jam into your head."
    Dani Lambeth's photo.
  • Steve Chancitizen smith is one of those on 9 leftists who has no understanding of the situation.
  • Steve ChanBTW, this vincent solo guy blocked me, and deleted the last message I left on his post. I can't find the message now, but I wrote something like this. "We should unite with the people from Macau to fight against Chi-na's invasion because we share a similar historical past and political reality". This should be in line with Kolo's belief that "a united mass struggle is the only way" to overthrow the CCP, but yet, he blocked me and deleted this message. See who is the biggest hypocrite now?

    Hong Kong & China NOT the SAME 中港大不同Steve Chan > Your posts are still there on Vincent Kolo's link, though I don't know how many of your posts might be removed. He have nothing to back up his statement so he keep on picking the small irreverent now. May be he is living a good life in Hong Kong, drinking beers chilling in the bars, traveling with his sweet heart - as we see in some of the pictures he posted, but he is truely one pathetic hypocrite. He would never admit that he sees thing wrong because of his ignorant, and that he is helping the very massive/powerful/whatsoever Chinese to erase the HongKonger, and the local culture, including our language and writing, value and so on. We are like Tibetan but we are being kill without blood seen. One who have no heart would fail to see how Hong Kongers are bleeding and dying. I hope people like him is just a minority but obviously there's a lot of them out there. It makes the "Jews" living become harder when we are already being suppress by the Nazi soldiers. Of course I would say whoever believing in the propaganda from China are idiots, but when they can suck up the advantage during the process and left you a 'you should all be united and fight back, peace!" statement, I would say he is doing it on purpose - so yeah, a hypocrite, I just hope he will get his karma REAL soon.
    Michel Chau
    allow me to point out the obvious: taking the moral high ground is very easy. No one could argue the universal values (e.g. equality, humanity, etc), but it is not easy to look and study the facts and use one's brain to come to your own conclusion. I guess no one would argue that what Chinese did to Tibet is wrong. However, many seem to struggle to believe that Hong Kong, a prosperous and developed place, is being colonised by China and China is brutalising Hong Kong left, right and centre despite the fact that no blood has been shed - because we share the same skin colour? That's outright racist, no?
    China has learnt its lesson, they don't want to cause a scene (remember the 4/June 1989?), because that would draw too much international attention. They want to do it subtly (from language to livelihood) so that it leaves Hong Kongers no ground to "complain" about being colonised. Does that mean "soft power" doesn't happen? NO! Wake up and look at what's going on. upholding the big love banner will not help you surpass Communist China's attempt to conquer the world. Socialism doesn't work, unless it's a utopia.
    幫兇 政治 左膠 西人

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